Would you … ?

Would you … ?

One of the things that's really great about building something new is that you get to - I'd even argue have to - reflect a lot. You have to look critically at what was in place before you starting building. You have lay a foundation and make sure that it's solid, shoring up anything that's not solid or removing what's not going to work and starting over. Most of the time, reflection is focused on basics like capacity building, goal setting, product planning, process testing, and relationship building - including opening up clear lines of communication. Like with any building…
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ISTE: Tuesday, June 26, 2018

ISTE: Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Gearing up for ISTE, Day 2!. I have recharged my mind and my devices and I'm ready for another day of crazy goodness. As an added bonus, I get to meet face-to-face with some pretty awesome people who I usually only "see" via webcam. So much of ISTE is about making connections and reconnecting ... and finding caffeine! See you!
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Who Do You Follow?

Who Do You Follow?

Have you ever been just rolling along thinking, "I've got this! This is awesome!" only to have a simple comment suddenly cause you to see a pattern? Man, it can hit like a ton of bricks (and then sort of consume your thoughts for a while). You can't stop seeing it. It's just now in clear focus. This happened to me recently. So, of course, a post. I've been on social media for a long time now. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have been launch pads for connecting me with folks over the years. For the most part, engaging via…
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Potty PD: Issue 1

Potty PD: Issue 1

I don't know if I should post this to the team or not, but I just read Potty PD and didn't have my phone. I have to go back in and capture one of the QR codes. I wanted you to know. (Leaves my desk giggling.) Potty PD: Issue 1, all laminated and pretty, was quietly posted today. When I talked about the idea to some of our leaders, there was distinct skepticism and a little bit of gross-out. A couple of folks wondered how many folks take their phones to the restroom with them .... which lead to a…
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